Hello Steve,
About three days ago I wrote a response to you which took about thirty minutes. I sent it and an error message came up and I lost the whole thing. I am going to condense it this time and give a "Readers Digest" version.
I tried the ground with a new copper wire and had my wife crank the car over. No go. I cannot believe this and you may not either. I have a 1995 Roadmaster Wagon with no problems and drove out a grocery store twenty minutes away. I have literally rebuilt every component on a 1994, 1996, and now my 1995 Roadmaster's. I came out and the car just cranked with no start fault. I assumed fuel pump, ignition coil or ICM. I am several days into it and cannot believe for the first time in my life I have two cars with a no-start condition and I have exchanged all parts that should be faulty. The 1995 Roadmaster is a off-year and today spent almost $200.00 purchasing a Actron CP9690 Trilingual OBD I/OBD II Elite Autoscanner Pro Kit which is one of the few that has all attaching connectors for odd years between OBD! And OBDII. I have no way to read the 1995's codes, hence the purchase. I purchased the ICM, Coil and checked the fuel pump.
I cannot believe this and do not think you have any ideas left. Please let me know if anything enters your mind and I will keep you informed as to the 1995 RMW as soon as the scanner comes in. Hopefully since this scanner provides detailed information on OBD1, supposedly, I can get more information data on the 1983.
As always thanks for your help!
Saturday, July 14th, 2018 AT 11:34 PM