I’ve changed the fuel pump, fuel filter, MAP Sensor, the sensor right after that on the air tube going to the breather cover, ignition coil, plugs, wires and crankcase position sensor.
The only way it would start after all this is by holding the gas pedal down till it started then let off the pedal. Idle was bad then leveled off but idling at 1,000 up to 1,400 RPMs. Put it in gear the idle went up.
The parts store manager said I should look at the IAC valve. I did and it was carboned mostly on one side. Tried to clean it and it started by itself right after that. I let it run for a minute or so and turned it off. Tried to restart it to no avail. Bought a new one ($85.00) and after that tried to start it and it drained the battery. Put it on charge. It turns over and acts like it want to start but won’t at the current time.
I’d like to get a haircut but no need as I’ve been pulling it out over frustration. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thursday, March 16th, 2023 AT 8:53 AM