The truck starts in the morning and the board (gauge) shows a load above normal for the battery meter. Then the truck fails when:
1.- At 45 minutes (approx.) Has been on, or having covered 20 km.
2.- If you operate the brake pedal "many times", without crossing streets.
3.- If descends a hill and stops immediately
4.- When you turn the A / C
5.- When using turn signals
THE TRUCK STARTS "random misfire"
I performed the following work:
1.- Cleaning injectors, "No Change"
2.- Change spark plugs and wires
3.- Change alternator
4.- Change coil and ignition module
5.- Change distributor cap and rotor
6.- Change thermostatic
7.- Change fuel pump
8.- Change Position Sensor Throttle (TP)
9.- Replacing the sensor idle air control (IAC)
10.- Check the ground wires
11.- Change of battery
What might be happening?
Tuesday, October 11th, 2011 AT 5:19 PM