1994 Chevy Blazer

Engine Performance problem
1994 Chevy Blazer 6 cyl Two Wheel Drive Automatic

I had a used motor put in my chevy blazer. When I picked it up from the mechanic shop everything was fine untill a few days later when my service engine light came on. The codes read map sensor error, EGR error, and IAC error. I had all of these replaced and picked up my car. The first day everything was fine then it started to shake and pull(like a jumping type feeling) when I came to a stop. As long as I was driving its fine, but when I stop it starts shaking and pulling. It also, acts like it wants to kill but never does. The service engine light came on again so I took it back to the mechanic to find that the error read IAC. I replaced the IAC once again and took it home to find that it started running bad again. Doing the same pulling and shaking. I have taken it back to the mechanic, but I just want to know if anyone has any idea of what my problem can be so that I can have somewhat of an idea of possible problems.

Racheal Powell
Saturday, March 27th, 2010 AT 10:47 PM

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If this is a TBI unit, check the base gasket as they had a habit of leaking. Also check the hose going to the MAP sensor as that gets soft and sucks together and makes the MAP sensor give a code. Also check the PCV hose as they get soft as well. If you have choke cleaner spray around the bottom of the TBI and if your speed picks up you have a leak. Try to replace it with a thick gasket if they are available.
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Sunday, March 28th, 2010 AT 4:29 PM

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