Around a few weeks before this happened, I noticed a delay of a couple seconds from when I turned the key all the way over to the time it would actually engage and start up. Maybe half a dozen times in a month time frame. When leaving my friend's house and now I get a no crank, no start, no clicks, nada. Came back like a day or two later to attempt to tinker with it and still nada. Checked battery for proper voltage, checked the connections, as well as all the fuses. Even dropped the starter and jumped with an extra battery I had and spun rt up no problem. Later that evening I finally gave up and just got a ride home. The following day I figured I would just have to get it towed to my house and then I figured might as well just give it a whirl and boom fired rt up. Now it’s been sitting out front of my house for a couple weeks. Anyone have any ideas?
Sunday, May 21st, 2023 AT 11:46 PM