I'm very sorry. I typed up a wondrous reply last night, but somewhere it didn't get posted.
That fat output wire runs directly back to the battery's positive post, but normally with a fuse link wire spliced in somewhere. As such, you must find the same voltage on that stud and across the battery all the time. With the engine not running, 12.6 volts indicates a good battery that is fully-charged. A good battery that is totally run down will measure around 12.2 volts. When you find it's closer to 11 volts or less, it has a shorted cell and must be replaced.
With the engine running, the alternator must develop between 13.75 and 14.75 volts. You'll also measure that right at the battery. If that charging voltage is too low, as you've been finding, no current will go back into the battery to keep it charged. The entire electrical system will have to run on the battery until it slowly runs down, typically within a half hour. If the charging voltage is considerably higher than 14.75 volts, the water will start to boil out of the acid in the battery.
The only time you'll find the voltages at the battery and at the alternator's output stud are different is when the fuse link wire is burned open. That's a slow-acting fuse device that takes some time to burn open. Do not replace them with regular wire. These will be a smaller diameter wire than the rest of the wire it protects, making it the weak link in the chain. It's a regular wire, but the insulation is designed to not burn or melt. You can buy replacement fuse link wire at any auto parts store. The color of the insulation denotes its current rating. You'll get a piece about 12" long which is plenty to cut and make two or three repairs.
Only three things can go wrong with a fuse link wire feeding the alternator's output circuit. By far the most common is touching that output stud and anything metal on the engine at the same time with a wrench or other metal tool. This is why we always disconnect the battery before working in that area. The second cause is a defect inside the alternator. They all have, at a minimum, two sets of three "diodes". Those are one-way valves for electrical current flow. They are also the only thing that stops an alternator from placing a dead short across the battery when the engine is off. It's not that uncommon for one diode to short, but then the excessive heat developed usually causes them to burn open, (like they aren't even there). While very rare, if it didn't burn open, and later another diode in the other set of three were to short, that would create that dead short, then the fuse link wire would burn open. That is when you'd find 0.0 volts at the output stud, but 12.6 volts at the battery.
Also, when that happens, the alternator can't send what little current it can still develop back to the electrical system, so as the voltage regulator tries to run it harder and harder, the voltage on the output stud could reach 17 - 18 volts or more. That also is different than what you measure at the battery.
The third cause of this failure is when one of the splices on that fuse link wire corrodes apart. This too is rare, but it is more likely to occur on older GM vehicles. They commonly connect them to the end of the positive battery cable where it bolts to the starter. The starter isn't part of the circuit. It's just a convenient tie point so they didn't have to run that wire all the way back to the battery. That splice is down lower where it's closer to road salt.
When voltage tests tell you to suspect a fuse link wire is burned open, test them by gently tugging on them. A good one will act like a wire. A bad one will act like a rubber band.
There's a whole 'nuther story relating to the carbon track left behind inside the insulation when the wire arcs as it burns open. That can lead very experienced mechanics down the wrong diagnostic path due to voltmeters falsely picking up some voltage. To avoid this heartache, I always recommend using a test light instead of the voltmeter. Test lights require current flow to work, and that won't happen when the fuse wire is burned away.
To clarify my answer about that 12.6 volts, that has absolutely nothing to do with whether an alternator is good or not. That would equate to assuming a home water pump on your well is good because there's water in the pipes. In this sad comparison, the only thing you can assume is the check valve isn't leaking when the pump is not running.
It's those two voltages you found on the two smaller wires that tells the whole story. The voltage regulator watches system voltage, and if it were to decide it needs to run the alternator wide-open to meet the current demand, it would put roughly four, or maybe even five volts on the brown / gray wire. The brown / black wire goes right to ground, (0.00 volts), so that full four or five volts is "dropped" across the field coil that's spinning in the alternator. With the coil's resistance, this voltage will cause a maximum of very close to three amps to flow through it. That sets up the strongest electromagnetic field that can be developed, and that results in the highest possible amount of current being developed. Most of the time you'll only find one amp or less of current flow through the field coil. We don't actually waste time trying to measure that, because we get the same information from the voltage on that brown / gray wire. A common voltage to find is around two volts, give or take a little. The important point is ten volts is about as high as the regulator can supply, and indicates no matter how high it drives the field coil, system voltage isn't coming up to where it should be, (13.75 to 14.75 volts).
A simpler way to look at this is if the rest of the circuitry was working normally, you'd have 10.81 volts on one wire and 0.00 volts on the other one. That puts 10.81 volts across the field coil and creates a huge electromagnetic field. As it spins, that is what "induces" the voltage in the stationary "stator" coils where the output current is taken from. That equates to the water pump working really hard. Water pressure, and electrical pressure, (voltage) goes real high. That's not happening here.
What you found is the same voltage on both wires. (With such a tiny.02 volt difference, we consider them to be identical). The difference between them is 0.00 volts. No current is flowing through the field coil, no electromagnetic field is being developed, and no output voltage or current is being developed. System voltage doesn't rise any higher than the battery's voltage.
There's 0.00 volts on the other end of the brown / black wire where it connects to the battery's negative cable. You can't have two different voltages at any two places in a wire, unless there's a break between those two places. That's why, after all this glorious explanation, the voltage you found on the brown / black wire tells us there has to be a break in it.
You can jump that wire momentarily to ground to verify this wire has a break. I described doing that in my previous reply.
That test simply verifies there's a break in the brown / black wire. Now we have to find it. Many competent do-it-yourselfers would just run a new wire, but in my classes, that is always unacceptable, more so for all the other wires that aren't ground wires like this one is. We want to know exactly where the wire broke, and why, so we can address the cause before it happens to another wire in that harness. Things I've run into include a harness that fell down onto hot exhaust parts on a Stratus, then they melted through the insulation and the wires shorted to ground, a harness that got routed incorrectly after the engine was reinstalled, and the wires were rubbing on the sharp edge of a metal bracket, and a wire harness that was sliding back and forth on the inner fender as the engine rocked back and forth. That one took four years to show up once the outer covering, the wires' insulation, and the fender's paint rubbed through. The same thing was close to happening to three or four other wires in that bundle.
For your wire, a good suspect is a corroded splice S116 or that wire is corroded off at the terminal in the connector or at the battery cable. We can narrow down the list of suspects even more if we look at the wire designations. Right next to my blue arrow, the wire is listed as, "Z20 18BR / BK. "Z" circuits are ground wires or circuits. This is circuit "20" which just differentiates it from other circuits. It's an 18-gauge wire which is very small, indicating you don't expect it to carry very much current. It's color is brown with a black "tracer" or stripe.
As you follow that wire to the battery, note that after splice S116, it runs to the left, goes through another splice, then turns into circuit Z3, so it's a different part of that circuit.
More importantly, it's now a ten-gauge wire which is pretty large. A lot of current is expected to flow through that section, and with other circuits not shown here, we have to assume that current flows through the unidentified splice, then to a number of other systems. Since there's no symptoms from other things not working, we can assume this ten-gauge part of the wire is okay. That leaves the section between the two splices as the best suspect.
Now comes the hard part. Start by tugging on that wire by the connector. The wire is crimped to the terminal in one place, then right behind it, the insulation is trapped under another crimp. If the wire is well connected yet, you won't be able to pull it loose with light hand pressure. If it is corroded off, it will be rather easy to tug the insulation out of its part of the terminal.
If the wire is okay there, the break has to be somewhere along it. The only course of action then is to dig through the harness and follow that wire until you find the break. Once you identify where it is broken, we can figure out why and the best way to repair it.
Tuesday, April 11th, 2023 AT 5:13 PM