Soon as I got on the road it started misfiring, usually when I accelerate after stopping. Just bucks like gas isn't reaching properly.
Since there were no codes, I ran my emission test on the OBD scanner and both bank 1 sensor and catalyst came back failed. Thought I had a faulty sensor or something, so I popped the old one back in. Nothing changed. Long story short, a new catalytic converter along with a new sensor fixed nothing. It occurs to me only then that the spark plugs may be to blame. Sure enough 2 of them were already burned after driving about 10 miles. Replaced all of them again and after thinking I was good for about a mile, it started again. This time it even turned off at a stop sign though started right back up. I'd never lost total power before.
I did NOT have any of these issues before the new spark plugs and sensor. Now I'm in quite a bit of money and the spark plug wires are my last guess. The boots were really hard to get off during the first change and I'm wondering if they could be damaged from getting them out and damaging new plugs? They don't have any obvious damage but I don't have experience with this. Also, I ran emissions again after driving with new catalytic and sensor (o2 passed but catalyst still failed). Plugs are all gapped properly and correct for the van. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024 AT 6:39 PM