1991 Mercedes Benz 190e Engine Size unknown Wheel Drive Type unknown Automatic 230033 miles
my car have had a cranking problem now for the past year. It will crank but it want actually turn over untill the 9th or 10th time I try to crank it. In the summer time it is not as bad but in the winter its really bad. I have not had a tune up in the past year in a half and I have not gotten my filters changed in years, I don't know if this is the problem or not but when I took the car to a mechanic he said that he think I had blown a headgasket. My question is what do you all think the problem may be and what is the first step I should take to save a lott of money, what I mean is I don't want to pay lots of money on the moter when all I had to do is get a tuneup and filter change, I just don't know, what do you all think the problem is and what should I do.
Tuesday, January 15th, 2008 AT 11:08 AM