There is a common issue on this vehicle with the crank position sensor. This sensor gets moisture in it over time and will begin to stall the vehicle intermittently. It is located on your vehicles bell housing and is accessable by standing at the drivers side fender and looking to the rear of the engine compartment behind the motor, on top of the transmission bell housing. If you see puddled water near the sensor I would suspect this may be your problem. However there are several other issue that can cause this complaint as well. Other issues that can cause this are a failed MAP sensor, coolant temp sensor, throttle position sensor, you may have a fuel supply issue, or a faulty EGR system. Are there any lights on in your dash? Check Engine Light, BAS/ESP, light etc. If you have any of these displayed I would recommend going to a MB shop and getting your fault codes read. It can save you valuable time and money when trying to pinpoint a fault.
Sunday, January 25th, 2009 AT 3:54 PM