Thursday, November 23rd, 2006 AT 2:48 PM
I have a 2002 mazda protege with 70,000 miles. I did an oil change about 1 month ago. I was wiping the oil filter area off with a towel, with the oil filter still off, and I believe I got some pebbles into the motor. I have a stone driveway and was not careful to keep the towel clean. My question now, is will a pebble reek havok on my motor? Or will the motor chew up the pebble and the pebble will end up in the oil filter? Another question is, should I not drive the car and take it to my mechanic and have him drop the oil pan and clean out the entire bottom half of the motor? The motor does sound like it is chewing up the pebble and is not a good sounding motor. Thank you for your response! George lewis