Wow, you have already done a lot. Have any of the things you've done made a difference? Also, when it shuts off, does it restart right away, or do you have to wait?
Anytime there is a loss of power, as described, I think of a plugged or partially plugged catalytic converter. Have you noticed any rattling from under the vehicle or strange sounds or odors from the exhaust? Take a look at this link and let me know if you feel anything mirrors what you experience:
As far as the fuel pump is concerned, before I would go to the trouble of replacing it and the filter, I would recommend checking fuel pressure.
Here is a link that explains how it's done:
You will need a fuel pressure gauge to do this, but if you don't have one, most parts stores will lend one to you. Also, I attached the manufacturer's fuel pressure specifications below.
Let me know.
Take care,
See pic below.
Image (Click to make bigger)
Monday, June 26th, 2023 AT 11:30 PM