TEST "K" (BLOWER MOTOR RUNS AT HIGH SPEED IN ALL SETTINGS) 1. Check Blower Motor Medium Speed Operation Start engine. Select MAX A/C. Set blower motor thumbwheel midway between highest and lowest speed settings. If blower motor operates at medium speed, go to TEST "A". If blower motor does not operate at medium speed, go to next step. 2. Check Voltage At Blower Speed Controller Turn ignition off. Unplug blower speed controller connector. Start engine. Select MAX A/C. Set blower motor thumbwheel to lowest speed setting. While moving thumbwheel back and forth between highest and lowest speed, measure voltage between terminals No. 3 (RED/Pink wire) and No. 1 (Black wire) of blower speed controller connector. 3. If voltage is zero volts at highest speed setting and 1-2 volts at all other settings, go to next step. If voltage is more than 2 volts at all speed settings, replace EATC module and check system operation. If voltage is zero volts at all speed settings, go to step 5). If none of these conditions applies, recheck voltage, and then return to step 1). 4. Check Voltage At Any Speed Setting Except High Set blower motor thumbwheel at any speed setting except high. Measure voltage between terminals No. 1 (Black wire) and No. 2 (Purple/White wire) of blower speed controller. If voltage is zero volts, replace blower speed controller. Check system operation. If voltage is not zero volts, replace EATC module. Check system operation. 5. Check Voltage At Red/Pink Wire Terminal Of EATC Module Turn ignition off. Reconnect blower speed controller connector. Start engine. Select MAX A/C. Rotate blower motor thumbwheel to medium speed setting. Measure voltage between ground and terminal No. 7 (RED/Pink wire) of EATC module connector (backprobe terminal). 6. If voltage is 1-2 volts, repair RED/Pink wire between blower motor speed controller and EATC module. If voltage is zero volts, replace EATC module. Check system operation. If neither condition applies, recheck voltage, and then return to step 1). The blower motor speed controller is on the evap case under the hood right rear corner near hood hinge.
Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020 AT 2:18 PM