Could be a airlock, defective water pump and a clogged radiator
One way to test for a bad water pump is to squeeze the upper radiator hose when the engine is hot and idling. Careful, because the hose will be HOT! If you do not feel much coolant circulating through the hose when you rev the engine, the pump may be bad. The other cause might be a bad thermostat that is not opening properly (remove and inspect the thermostat), or a clogged radiator.
Continues to overheat
Have it block and pressure tested-do the block first to pinpoint a combustion leaking into the cooling system or a gas analyzer to sniff for hydrocarbons at the radiator fill neck.
Pressure test: do not do a pressure test if there's leakage at the headgasket this might cause coolant into the cylinders and lock it up or bend a connecting rod if cranked thereafter. The headgasket should be repaired before doing the pressure test.
If the block and pressure test passes check the following:, Pressure test the Rad. Cap, Clogged radiator, air lock in the cooling system, Fan clutch, Radiator electrical fan, collaspe hoses, water pump.
Sunday, March 29th, 2009 AT 3:29 PM