See my profile. And other CJ 5 and 7 answers, I have given.
You are having a good one!
There are several things that I would try before SNATCHING the TANK!
There are only a few things that could be happening
1) Test your pump---remove the line to the tank and add 3-4 feet of line to the empty connection. Throw the end in a GAS CAN
remove the hose at the carb
a shot of fuel in the carb
Fire him up---ready to shut down
I'm gonna let you start with that---I will continue writing behind the scenes and I will edit the rest into this post you are reading now, you probably will not get an Email, since this will be an edit. So refresh and check here again.I'll be done 20 min. Or so.I'm slow
The Medic
2) If you are pumping.2 more possiblities
A) you have a hole in your "Suction Line" in a rubber hose (pump end, at the Tank end). Or in the steel line inbetweenThe "NELSOMATIC TEST" for this is to Suck on this line (by whatever drastic means you feel) You are checking for fuel to come thru. Nothing but air (gas vapors too). Or you cannot suck the line, because it is clogged in the tank. Or you may have crimp in the hose or steel line.
B) Inside your tank the plastic filter has come off OR is stopped up with many years of crud.
3) ONLY IF THE PUMP pumps---This is a TEMPORARY FIX. Till you get the tank off to fix this right.
Only if you feel you are clogged in the tank
Remove the gas cap (relief) Then at the fuel pump inlet hose. Use an air compressor to blow loose (back toward the tank) what you can in the tank (pick-up tube/ screen) If a second person can hear the air at the open gas cap. You have done all you can do with the compressor.2nd person can hear this well from a DISTANCE. No need to be real close.
Heres where you tell me what your results were with the pump test. BEFORE you do the above stuff.
My course of action may change, with your answer to that.
The Medic
Sunday, September 5th, 2010 AT 7:20 PM