1982 Jeep CJ7 Vacuum leak?

  • 1982 JEEP CJ7
  • 6 CYL
  • 4WD
  • 108,000 MILES
When my jeep is just sitting and idling it runs fine. When I go to shift in gear and start to release the clutch it bogs down. I have to keep the rpm's up to keep it running while shifting. Is this a vacuum leak? If so, where is the best place to start looking?
Monday, August 2nd, 2010 AT 9:57 AM

3 Replies

  • 11,005 POSTS
See my profile, Your Jeep is 5 years newer than my newest Jeep CJ 5.

I do not know what has happened to your Jeep in the last 28 years. You will have to inform me on its engine and extra stuffs condition.

I am your best and probably most helping answer you can get here.

I know my CJs very well---I can help you all the way thru this till you are running great. And help with any other problems you might have with your Jeep. Just keep replying at "Reply to Question" below.

You may donate to the cause if you desire, this is a good helping site, Just someone who has owned 7 CJs, and do my own work, since 1981 when I started driving----all have been primary--everyday drivers, except for my '46 Willys.I am very mechanical and experienced so many CJ solutions, waiting to happen!

I get carried away and sometimes out of order in my answers, so ask questions along the way to stay straight!

You could have a number of things that affect you:


Fuel/ Delivery


Vacuum issues


The other post is "1985 Jeep CJ 7 Stalls When Hot" (14 responses) Its a little further down than yours in the CJ 7 forum.

This will save me some Hunting and Pecking and repeat answering

I want you to pay attention to the vacuum lines that are "Have To's" and I need to know the pollution/ vehicle testing status of your area. You also may want me to assist you in getting rid of the extra crap, so that Mr. Jeep engine might be EZer to maintain or repair.

We may need to get a little more "Personal" with your problem, than in this Answer I am sending you to. Let me know if you Understand what is going on in that answer. Or what you are not up to par on.I will still try to help you.

Come back to this post and let me know what you are going to try. Or need assistance on.

This is really not complicated, working on a CJ!

I even share my personal SUPER MECHANICAL MODIFICATIONS with other CJ guys--a lot of making original stuff better. Ask later to see my pics!

You might also investigate other CJ 5 and CJ7 answers I have given (in their respective forums) I answer the CJs alot here!

Respond (please) I get few.

The Medic
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Monday, August 2nd, 2010 AT 12:50 PM
  • 2 POSTS
Well, the last 28 years my jeep has just been a hunting lease and in town driving vehicle. No hard driving. There have not been any mods whatsoever. Everything is original. Has a new fuel filter and already did a carb rebuild.
I am not mechanically inclined but have a buddy that can guide me with your help. I read the post you told me about. I have no smog boundaries where I live.
I do have an inductive timing light, so I can check that.
It seems that I may have a similar problem that the CJ5 had that you replied about. My jeep doesn't bog out at high rpms. It happens when you push in the clutch and start letting off the gas. Actually, if you turn up the idle, it never dies.
I am going to try to follow the steps from your other post regarding the vacuum hoses and see where that gets me. Thanks for everything!
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Monday, August 2nd, 2010 AT 1:44 PM
  • 11,005 POSTS
Roger, I check this real often. If you abide by the ONLY vacuum lines needed, and insure they are NEW or at least in "Servicable Condition", you will eliminate a bunch of headache. (then once you are satisfied with it, the "Dead Stuff" can be removed)

How long ago was your carb rebuilt? By Whom? Reputation?

Check your carb for loose screws in the body (some of which can only be accessed by removing the carb.

Page 2 of the 1985 stalls when hot, explains carb adjusting. Try it also, get you a meter!

Does your carb have the stepper motor on its rear? (wires into it?)

Is your fuel filter still a 3 connection? (3 lines--1 in 2 out)

When I was Jeep Stupid (1st Jeep) I had my carb rebuilt by a PRO???? It would not stay running without patting the gas when stopped, Another feller found 1st guy had installed the "Pivot Retainer" on the floats--in another WRONG POSITION. My floats were not pivoting--they were allowing the Needle and seat to be pushed open anytime they wanted.

If you are going to possibly do another BBD carb---let me help with a recommendation (the least inexpensive way, EZ to adjust)

I am going to send you a PM (private message) look for it.

The Medic

There is nothing wrong with a BBD---Some years seemed to have "Better Ones".

I have a Holley 390 w/ vacuum secondaries on mine now, its a bit more expensive, and intake must also be changed...I finally got it figured out...but along the way, I sometimes wished I still had the BBD.



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Monday, August 2nd, 2010 AT 3:33 PM

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