I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee that is a Rocky Mountain Edition. My interior lights come on when I open the doors which is normal, but they do not go off. I have to switch them to off on the steering column or it would drain my battery overnight. I briefly experienced this a couple of times a few weeks ago, but now it seems to be permanent.
I do not know if this is a correlation, but the driver side power window and lock control stopped working at the same time the lights problem started. The power windows do not work on any door. The power locks work on the passenger side door.
When I insert my key into the ignition there is a ding (much like when the key is in the ignition and the door is open) that is dinging even with the door closed. The dinging only happens when the key is in the off position. All of the doors are closed as is the rear hatch.
A lot of information, but I wanted to be as thorough as possible. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Tuesday, March 11th, 2008 AT 7:02 PM