Hello .. thanks for the donation .. much appreciated
Have the vehicle plugged into a transmission shop diagnostic computer .. there could be numerous reasons for this complaint .. faulty torque convertor.. bad solonoids/valve body.. faulty control module etc. etc.
NOTE:Chrysler Diagnostic Readout Box (DRB-II) and the Jeep Eagle adapter are required to diagnose this transmission.
Ensure battery is fully charged and all electrical connections are clean and secure. Ensure the charging system voltage is correct. Perform all diagnostic steps in order given.
There is no separate piece of equipment to test the function of the TCU. The condition of the TCU is determined by the elimination of other potentially defective components or wiring faults in a specific circuit. Even though the TCU is diagnosed by process of elimination, it should not be replaced until it has been retested after some basic screening procedures have been performed
hope this helps

Sunday, February 28th, 2010 AT 8:08 PM