Monday, November 12th, 2007 AT 3:03 PM
Hi, well I have a 86 Cherokee, V6, 2.8l and a manual trans, and have replaced allmost the whole clutch, new slave cylinder, pressure plate, clutch disc, clutch fork, throw out bearing all have been replaced. I have bled the clutch about 10 times and can get no pressure. I have pulled the slave off the bell housing and depressed the plunger to bleed the system. While doing this, I get great pressure (or so it seems), but when I put the slave back into place, I have no pressure. I have removed the starter so I can see the push rod set into the clutch fork, so I know it is lined up correctly. When the clucth pedal is pressed I can see the rod move about 1/8 of and inch and I have no pressure at the pedal. Could there still be air in the line? Or maybe the Master cylinder is bad, it is less than two years old, but I don't know.