Wednesday, June 10th, 2009 AT 4:10 PM
I traveled to florida last week on kind of a non schedulded trip so I didnt have time to check my car such as the oil or tire pressure ect. Anyways on my way home I noticed a noticable decrease in power. When I got home I checked the oil and it was very low. It did read on the dipstick about halfway up the spiraled part. But my car never ran hot and the oil pressure and temp. Was fine. I changed the oil and used high mileage synthetic and changed the spark plugs and wires, cleaned and re-oiled the air filter yet it is still running badly. And the other day after I changed the plugs I drove it home about 25 miles or so and I stopped at the bank and once I came back out it would turn over but it wouldnt crank. I kept holding it down and it finally picked up and cranked. So I dont know if I have damaged the actual internals of the engine if so what do I do? Thanks for your help