Is there any way that the water can mix with the oil because of water pump damages by freezing what are all the problems that could be what.

  • 2008 FORD ESCAPE
  • 3.0L
  • V6
  • 4WD
  • 20,000,000 MILES
Okay, I purchased the vehicle listed above from a man he told me that he forgot to put antifreeze in the vehicle. When he went out to crank it the next morning the water pump was squealing and burnt the belt off because of being Frozen with water. Whenever it's thawed out he replaced the water pump replace the belt he says but now there's water getting in the oil, it is not overheating as long as there's plenty of water in the water reservoir you can drive it up and down the road it's no Miss no smoke no indication other than water getting mixed in with the oil. I'm wondering if it froze and blew the head gasket or to crack the head possibly to allow the water to mix in the oil or if it could be something with the water pump and the water pump housing. I don't know if there is an oil galley behind one of the bolts that goes through like on the old Chevrolet model pickup trucks that had a one bolt that went straight into the oil jack to the water coolant jacket you know and it could actually get through the bolt hole and mix with the oil any help would be appreciated.
Sunday, February 5th, 2023 AT 9:51 AM

1 Reply

  • 110,055 POSTS

Was the entire system filled with water only? If so, I have a feeling there is a crack or head gasket issue. I don't believe the bolts go into the water jacket or oil jacket. Even if they did, they shouldn't be leaking.

Here is what I suggest. We need to narrow this down. The first thing I would do is perform a compression test to see if there is a weak cylinder.

Here is a link that explains how it's done:

If there isn't a major variation (more than 10%), press test the cooling system. Take it up to about 12 PSI and see if it holds. If it drops off fast, suspect a crack. If it slowly comes down, then I would think head gasket. You could actually remove the spark plugs and see if you can determine a cylinder it may be leaking through.

Here is a link you may find helpful as well:

I would rather see a head gasket issue. If you have a cracked block, that will likely result in a different engine.

Let me know what you find. Also, let me know if there is excessive white smoke from the exhaust and how quickly you are losing coolant.

Take care,

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Sunday, February 5th, 2023 AT 4:32 PM

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