Hi biggeddoggie,
CAUTION: Frequent inhalation of brake pad dust, regardless of material composition, could be hazardous to your health.
1. Raise the rear of the vehicle, and support it with safety stands in the proper locations
2. Remove the rear wheels.
3. Release the parking brake, and remove the brake drum
4. Remove the tension pins (A) by pushing respective retainer spring (B) and turning the pin.
approved vacuum cleaner.

5. Remove the lower return spring (A), and remove the brake shoe assembly over the hub.

6. Remove the forward brake shoe (B) by removing the upper return spring (C), and disassemble the brake shoe assembly.
7. Remove the rearward brake shoe (D) by disconnecting the parking brake cable from the parking brake lever (E).
8. Remove the U-clip (A), wave washer (B), and pivot pin (C), and separate the parking brake lever (D) from the brake shoe (E).

1. Apply rubber grease to the sliding surface of the pivot pin (A) for the rearward brake shoe (B).

2. Install the parking brake lever (C) and the wave washer (D) on the pivot pin, and secure with a new U-clip (E).
NOTE: Pinch the U-clip securely to prevent the parking brake lever from coming out of the brake shoe.
3. Connect the parking brake cable to the parking brake lever.
4. Apply a thin coat of rubber grease to the connecting rod ends (A), and the sliding surfaces (B) as shown. Wipe off any excess. Keep grease off the brake linings.

5. Apply a thin coat of Molykote 44MA grease to the shoe ends (A) and to the edge of the shoe surfaces (B) that make contact the backing plate as shown. Wipe off any excess. Keep grease off the brake linings.

6. Install connecting rods A and B on the adjuster bolt (C).
Clean the threaded portions of connecting rod A and the sliding surface of connecting rod B, then coat them with rubber grease.
Shorten connecting rod A by fully turning the adjuster bolt.

7. Assemble the brake shoes, the upper return spring (D), and the connecting rods with the adjuster bolt against the backing plate, then install the self-adjuster lever (E) and the self-adjuster spring (F) on the forward brake shoe (G).
8. Install the tension pins (A) and the retainer springs (B) by pushing in respective spring and turning each pin.

9. Install the lower return spring.
NOTE: Make sure the brake shoes positioning on the brake shoe bosses of the backing plate, and fitting the top of the brake shoes onto the wheel cylinder pistons.
10. Install the brake drum.
NOTE: Before installing the brake drum, clean the mating surface of the rear hub and the inside of the brake drum.
11. Install the rear wheels.
12. Press the brake pedal several times to make sure the brakes work and to set the self-adjusting brake.
Engagement of the brakes may require a greater pedal stroke immediately after the brake shoes have been replaced as a set. Several applications of the brake pedal will restore the normal pedal stroke.
13. Do the parking brake adjustment.
Tuesday, March 16th, 2021 AT 11:19 AM