I have kind of a strange problem so will tell u exactly how it happened. A few days ago I went to my sisters house about 20 kms away and on my way home, discovered a very bad shimmy on my steering wheel from my 98 civic hatch. Shimmy only came on when I was accelerating and went away immediately when I let go of the gas. So I parked the car for 2 days, inspected my cv shafts and saw nothing visibly wrong. When I drive it again after 2 days parked, the shimmy is totally gone. Drive it for 20 mins and I slowly feel it again only when I accelerate. It seems to be worst when I press the gas going like 50km on 5th gear. Could this maybe be bad gasoline. It souds like cv shafts but why would it come and go. Any help would be great, thanks.
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009 AT 9:51 PM