Unplug your rear O2 sensor (after the cat). Also unplug the corresponding connector plug on the PCM. CAUTION: Only unplug one harness at any one time. We are not testing the O2 sensor or the PCM, rather the wiring harness itself. So do not hook up the probes to the O2 sensor or PCM sides. Both probes have to be attached to the wiring harness plug.
Set your multimeter to resistance (ohm). Place one test lead to the connector end (at PCM) and the other at the O2 sensor.
1. PCM connector A5 (BLUE) and sensor side (black/white) wire.
2. PCM connector D13 (GREEN) and sensor side either green/black or red/yellow.
3. PCM connector D14 (RED) and sensor side white/red.
All 3 tests should result in 0 ohm reading. If you have any other number, that wire is bad.

Friday, February 13th, 2009 AT 11:01 PM