1996 Honda Civic Power Steering Help!

  • 1996 HONDA CIVIC
1996 Honda Civic

I have a 96 honda civic ex 1.6 v-tec. I had a used engine put in the car and before the power steering was working and didnt leak or make noise, Now It is really hard to turn the wheel and the power steering pump makes a brrrrr noise and when I turn the wheel the noise goes away, but when I turn the wheel the fluid in the resovoir over flows and fluid goes all over the ground. There is the correct fluid in the pump honda fluid and The place that installed the engine said my old pump was bad on the old engine, so they put another used pump on. Thank You for the help!
Monday, May 12th, 2008 AT 7:08 PM

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When the power steering reservoir starts foaming, most probably it is due to air being sucked into the system. Probable causes are a faulty pump or the supply pipe or joints from the reservoir to the pump is leaking thereby allowing air to be sucked into the system
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Wednesday, May 21st, 2008 AT 9:54 AM

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