94 Accord timing belt/water pump/axle

I have a 94 Accord EX w/ 150,000 miles. Recently I took it to a well-known repair chain to have my muffler fixed (muffler was under warranty from previous repair). The mechanic called and said I need my timing belt replaced along with my water pump. Also, he said I have one axle that needs to be replaced. He quoted the water pump job alone at $750, so all in all I'm looking to spend well over $1000. First of all, does this amount sound right? Second, what is the level of difficulty on these jobs? I am going to ask my dad to do it for me (he has rebuilt truck engines before and does all the repair on our cars so he has an excellent level of experience) but want to know how difficult it is before I ask him, and how much these repairs should typically cost. The mechanic claimed he wouldn't even turn it on due to its "problems". It was driving a little rough but I didn't notice anything abnormal and the water level was fine--do you think he's trying to gouge me? I would prefer to have my dad do it for cost reasons, but if it's next to impossible I would re-consider.
Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006 AT 2:07 PM

2 Replies

  • 1,616 POSTS
The water pump is driven by the timing belt and should be replaced every 60K miles is is a bit complicted and should cost about $700.00 An axle is easy and about $150.00

My theory is I never take my cat to have her shots to an eye doctor. In other words GET AWAY from the muffler shop. THEY ARE bad news except for mufflers and then I am not too sure!
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Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006 AT 5:31 PM
  • 2 POSTS
Thank you! I was thinking the same thing but don't really know a whole lot about cars and they have a tendency to make it out to be a life or death situation. A bit complicated. Does that mean a little frustration and a lot of time, or does that mean that it's really easy to royally screw up your engine? Hmm, maybe I should just have him consult the repair manual on my car and decide for himself. Thanks so much for the info!
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Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006 AT 8:40 PM

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