Saturday, December 13th, 2008 AT 11:52 AM
My check engine light came on so I went to Auto Zone this morning and the code came up P1259. Definition VTEC Systems Malfunction Probable Causes: 1 Low oil/ pressure 2. Blocked oil pressure 3. Failed VCT oil control valve. Oil''s not low, but the other day the low oil pressure light did come on for a while. I shut the car off and it didn't come back on. If I drive this car just normally it drives just fine. Starts good, ect. If I want to pass some one and I push down on the accelerator hard it will act two different ways, one it will act as if I've put on the brakes and has no power -- I get off the accelerator and it comes right back to normal operations or --2-- it will rev up to 3800-4000 rpms and start bucking-- let off the gas and again goes back to running normal. I have replaced the fuel pump -- should have written here first. Your thoughts please.