Thanks for the information.
Now that I have the information on your specific model, it appears it may be all electrical as you have indicated especially since you have done all the work and saw there were no cables great job!
I would say it may be the blend door actuator. It is electrically controlled by a potentiometer in the actuator and allows the BCM to know the exact position of the blend door at all times.
It appears there may be the mode actuator control right next to it. If it were me I would check with the parts department to see if they are the same part number. If so swap them and if it then works that is your problem.
Here is the info below on it.
The blend door actuator is a motor/geartrain assembly which mechanically positions the blend door. The actuator is mounted to the bottom of the HVAC housing in the center.
A potentiometer in the actuator allows the BCM to know the exact position of the blend door at all times. The blend door actuator is not serviceable and must be replaced if found to be defective.
1. Disconnect negative battery cable.
2. Remove the passengerside hush panel.
3. Disconnect the electrical connection.
4. Remove actuator retaining screws and pull actuator straight down (Fig. 24 ). Note actuator shaft position for installation reference.
Fig. 24: Identifying Blend Door Actuator

1. Install blend door actuator on the housing, making sure the shaft spline is positioned properly with the cam (Fig. 25 ).
Fig. 25: Identifying Blend Actuator Spline

2. Install tighten the actuator mounting.
3. Connect wire harness connector to the actuator.
4. Install the passengerside hush panel.
5. Connect the negative battery cable.
Saturday, October 7th, 2017 AT 11:52 AM