There is a miss under power?

  • 1995 MAZDA MIATA
  • 1.8L
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 110,000 MILES
The engine sounds like it is running on 3 cylinders during acceleration. Plugs have a nice color to them. Fuel pressure is good. OBD-1 Shows 2 long flashes pause then 5 short flashes which I think means code 25? I think it is PRC solenoid valve. Whatever that does or where it's at? Then 1 long flash, pause and 4 short flashes which I think means code 14? I think 14 is Barometric absolute pressure sensor? Then 1 long flash, pause and 9 short flashes which I think means code 19? I don't have a clue what that is.
Sunday, December 10th, 2023 AT 9:28 AM

2 Replies

  • 5,076 POSTS
Hello, so this PRC solenoid looks to be a solenoid that controls the vacuum to the pressure regulator on the fuel rail. It's a unique system, most vacuum regulated fuel pressure regulators just work directly off of intake manifold vacuum, but this one has a solenoid that controls the vacuum. So, on the fuel rail there is a regulator that has a rubber vacuum hose to it. If you follow that hose it will run to a solenoid. Thats your PRC solenoid. I'll post some diagrams and information on it.
But at idle, if you pull the vacuum hose off of the fuel rail pressure regulator, you should feel vacuum on that hose. The PRC solenoid will be grounded by the ECM, and this shuts off this vacuum to that fuel rail. At idle the PRC solenoid should be inactive, in this state you will have 12 volts on both pins of the PRC solenoid connector if you back probe the connector plugged in. When the ECM activates that PRC solenoid, you will have 12volts on one wire and 0volts on the other because the ECM is pulling the solenoid to ground to activate it.

I'll verify these other codes as well. But you can also check the PRC solenoid with a multimeter to see if it's an open circuit inside if you check it unplugged.
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Sunday, December 10th, 2023 AT 3:48 PM
  • 5,076 POSTS
The diagrams 1-3 below are the code charts.
Diagrams 4-10 is the Fuel Pressure Regulator and the Pressure Regulator Control Solenoid and diagram 11 is the wiring for the PRC solenoid.
They have you ground a wire for the PRC solenoid while still on the vehicle running. But I wouldn't test it like that.
Check for 12volts coming to the Solenoid first, if that's okay, unplug the solenoid and check its resistance. It might be that either the PRC solenoid shorted out, or the control wire for it shorted out to Ground.
This might be the reason you're getting a Barometric Pressure sensor code; this vehicle has the Barometric pressure sensor inside the ECM, there is no MAP sensor on this vehicle to measure Baro pressure at key On.
So, check that the PRC Solenoid did not short out and burn a driver transistor inside the ECM. Check that first. Because the way the ECM monitors the PRC solenoid is going to be seeing the 12volts on the control wire when the solenoid is not commanded on, and it's not seeing that and setting this code.
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Sunday, December 10th, 2023 AT 4:22 PM

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