After running without incident 2 days earlier I accidentally left the ignition on.
After charging the battery, the engine would crank but showed no signs of starting.
I noticed there wasn't an audible fuel pump noise when ignition was switched on. (Pump/sending unit are approx 1.5 years old.)
After determining the pump would operate with direct voltage I checked fuel pump relay, inertia switch and (because of a forum post) the EEC relay.
When truck would not start after making fuel pump run continuously I checked for spark. None exists.
I checked coil, coil wire and distributor mechanism. The TFI could be at fault for a lack of spark but I don't think it has anything to do with the fuel pump.
Whatever is at issue controls both fuel and spark.
Unfortunately the only item I am aware of that controls both tasks is the ECM.
My next task is to see if I can detect any error codes.
Being an '89 these are very simplistic.
Tuesday, November 24th, 2020 AT 8:54 AM