Will not start

  • 6 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 108,000 MILES
Not knowing after getting gas on Monday at 4:30am in my car a gas line I believe on drivers' side had broken. In about 5 miles and 10 minutes of sitting amongst many other cars in the parking lot I lost half of almost a full tank. I left immediately and drove roughly 20 miles to my local garage and the other 1/2 of tank had pretty much ran out and close to line on gauge when I parked it. They repaired the line with nylon line. Got car back easy fix drive straight to gas station maybe 1/4, and yes couldn't believe it made it. Got gas drove home 3/4 mile. Next morning got in it to go to work drive maybe 2 or 3 miles and it shuts off. I have lights assume power but not getting gas to motor? Towed back to garage they replaced the fuel pump, but it still won't start. It's now Wednesday evening I lost 2 days of work borrowed a car for today and tomorrow to get to work. Friday is questionable at this point. Any help or insight appreciated.
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022 AT 5:11 PM

1 Reply

  • 109,913 POSTS

If it won't start, we need to first determine if it is fuel related or if it is something different. Try this and let me know the results: See if it starts for a couple of seconds and then stalls if you use starting fluid. If it does, then we know its fuel related. If there is no change, then it is likely ignition related.

In that case, check to see if there is spark to the plugs. Here is a link that explains how to check for spark:


Additionally, take a look through this link and see if anything helps.


I am running to get gas right now. However, I will check back to see if you replied before going to bed.

Let me know what you find.

Take care,

Was this
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022 AT 6:50 PM

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