Friday, May 29th, 2020 AT 3:56 PM
While putting in New Fuel Injectors in on my 2000 Ford F150 4.2 v6 I noticed that a few of the connectors needed to be replaced so Dummy me cut a few of the wires/connectors off about an inch down from the connector and went to a Junk yard and cut a few off a Ford truck same as mine and went home and put them on mine, Not realizing that they had to be a specific length in order to work properly, so I bought a New set (wires w/ connectors) online but decided this time I will bring it into a shop and have a Professional re-do them. However with Every Past experience with EVERY Mechanic shop that I have had, the idea is really stressing me out. So my Question is, Will they have to remove my Head to get down into the Fuel Injection harness far enough to where they need to re-splice the new wires into? I don't want to be charged for a bunch of work that they SAID they had to do to repair MY mess up, so I really need to know what exactly is going to need to be done in order for these New wires/connectors to be connected properly. Please help. Any Info. You have on this subject will be sooo Greatly Appreciated. The Wires that need Re-done are #4, 5, 6 and one from passenger side #3 I believe. Thank you