Mom's car has set for almost a year, started most regularly, not recent. Problem first, car would start, run fine, shut off and not restart for 20 minutes to more than an hour. Fuel pump replaced 6 years ago. Car checked by two Ford Repair shps, nothing found and checked by another mechanic, still no answer. Not one was willing to keep it or drive it until the malfuction occured. Mom afraid of car, but would not let go of it. The car is in excellent condition inside and out. Mom asked if I wanted the car or to donate it. I love this old car, I am a previous 95 Taurus owner. My concern is the fluids, gas, and belts sitting idle for a long time. Also, is it worth the effort and money, if so how much is to much, to have it towed and checked out? I am at a loss, and very disappointed in the Ford and mechanic shops she took it to, including the one where she purchased it.
Older but wanting to be wiser.
Sunday, February 7th, 2010 AT 12:37 PM