NOTE:Before proceeding, ensure oil level is correct and oil pressure switch harness connector is secure.
Start and idle engine. If oil pressure gauge shows "L" or below, go to step 5. If oil pressure gauge does not show "L" or below, go to next step.
Turn engine off, key on. If oil pressure gauge shows oil pressure, go to next step. If oil pressure gauge does not show oil pressure, system is okay.
Turn ignition switch to OFF position. Disconnect instrument cluster 16-pin harness connector C220A. See INSTRUMENT CLUSTER under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION. Measure resistance between ground and instrument cluster harness connector C220A terminal No. 12 (Dark Green/White wire). See Fig. 7. If resistance is less than 5 ohms, go to next step. If resistance is 5 ohms or more, replace oil pressure gauge. See GAUGES under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION.
Disconnect oil pressure switch harness connector. Measure resistance between ground and instrument cluster harness connector C220A terminal No. 12 (Dark Green/White wire). If resistance is 10 k/ohms or less, repair short to ground in Dark Green/White wire. If resistance is more than 10 k/ohms, replace oil pressure switch.
Turn ignition switch to OFF position. Disconnect oil pressure switch harness connector. Turn ignition switch to ON position. Connect 10-amp fused jumper wire between oil pressure switch harness connector and ground. If oil pressure gauge shows normal range, replace oil pressure switch. If oil pressure gauge does not show normal range, go to next step.
Turn ignition switch to OFF position. Disconnect instrument cluster 16-pin harness connector C220A. See INSTRUMENT CLUSTER under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION. Measure resistance of Dark Green/White wire between instrument cluster harness connector C220A terminal No. 12 and oil pressure switch harness connector. See Fig. 7. If resistance is less than 5 ohms, go to next step. If resistance is 5 ohms or more, repair open Dark Green/White wire between instrument cluster and oil pressure switch.
Measure resistance between instrument cluster harness connector C220A terminal No. 12 and oil pressure gauge contact clip terminal "S". If resistance is less than 5 ohms, replace oil pressure gauge. See GAUGES under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION. If resistance is 5 ohms or more, replace instrument cluster printed circuit. See PRINTED CIRCUIT under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION.
Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008 AT 6:52 PM