Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010 AT 12:52 PM
For the last couple of weeks it has been getting more and more diffucult to get my truck into gear. Prticularly from neutral into first and neutral into reverse. I have to use both hands and put ALL my weight into it practically breaking a sweat. Some think it's a problem with the slave cylinder, but my clutch doesn't feel mushy, it feels great. There is plenty of give and take between the clutch and gas as I move from gear to gear. A mechanic said that if I try shifting from neutral to reverse while the engine is on and then turn it off while I am trying to shift and it goes in smoothly it is the clutch, but that didn't happen, it was still a bear to get it into reverse. It was also thought that there was a leak in the resivoir that is located driver side, ( I don't know what it is but it has a black cap and takes break fluid), but that resivoir was full, it only took about a table spoon of fluid and shifting didn't get any better. (And of corse I dropped the cap into the engine somewhere, awesome:()Though I don't know really anything about engines, my gut tells me that it's just that something isn't lined up right and/or needs lubrication. Or maybe I just need a transmission flush rather than a new slave and a new clutch. I have also been told that a transmission flush is never necessary. Argh! I have no idea. Can anyone help? I don't want to be taken advantage of at a repair shop with unnecessary things to be fixed.