Wednesday, July 8th, 2009 AT 2:02 PM
I have a 1996 Ranger with a consistent battery drain. I have ruled out both the battery (by replacing multiple batteries) and the alternator (by having tested). Here is what I have observed so far. When I place an ammeter in line with the neg battery terminal and neg battery post, with the doors all closed, and before the GEM shuts down, I am showing.23 amps. When the GEM shuts down after 40 minutes or so, the current reading goes down to.15 amps. Now I start pulling fuses. (I use a screwdriver to close the door latch so I can get at the fuse box with the door open.) When I come to the large fuse in the main fuse box under the hood labled FUEL SYSTEM / ANTI THEFT SYSTEM and pull it, the current reading goes down to.05 amps (which is considered normal by ford standards). I have read that there is a TSB from ford regarding fuel pump and ecm relays sticking and causing a batery drain, so I replaced these relays, with no luck. I can't hear the fuel pump running, nor does there seem to be any problems with my factory antitheft, although I have no idea where the module is to disconnect it. One thing I did notice is that my gas gauge stays put (energized?) With the ignition off. I have no idea what else to check. Someone please help before I pull out all of my hair.