Going up a hill the truck will act like the fuel pump stops pumping. It seems to be running out of fuel somtimes compleatly and sometimes I can keep it running a little by down shifting and pumping the peddal but it will eventualy die then won't start back up. Once it dies it wont start. I mess with wires by moving them checking for good continuity (but find no problem) and eventualy it will start again. Sometimes it will happen again soon and somtimes not at all. It has done it on average 1 to 3 times on every 500 mile trip and sometimes not at all. It usualy does it in heat of day while going up hill or after hitting large bumps in the road. But lately it has not been starting back up after I have shut off the engine say at a gas station. After a lot of cranks and wiggling wires around (don't know if that helps or not) it will start back up. And won't happen again for many days. But now it is doing it allmost everyday, two or three times a day. It usualy starts up again anywhere from 5 to 15 min and will run after that no problem. I was thinking vaporlock or somthing but today I came home from lunch for over an hour and when I went to start it it was the same thing. Now after I wiggled a wire coming off the fuel pump that's attatched to the frame it started up. Drove it 43 miles parked it for 15 or 20 min and it started just fine. I did not see anything wrong with the fuel pump wire or connector. Can Anyone Help With this Problem? P.S once it did it while cruzing 55-60 mph and at that I turned the ignition key off and on real fast and it started running normal again. It happened again at that speed
a couple day's later and I tried the ignition switch trick again and nothing. I am Stumped!
Please Help If You Can. Thanx
Wednesday, August 9th, 2006 AT 9:18 PM