Last week while driving, the battery charge light came on. This only appears to happen when the rpm is below 1000, for example when idling. When I rev the car, the light goes out. The problem then worsened while I continued to drive it. The car suddenly had like a hiccup, because the brakes went hard, all guages on the instrument panel fell to zero, it did continue to drive the couple Km to get me home but it was rough. Coughing and spluttering like one of the sparks was missing.
So far I have replaced the plugs & battery - no joy. Ive bought an OBDII to get an error code - its reads zero - no joy. I cleaned the EGR, MAFF and PCV - still it runs rough. The symptoms now are it idles but the battery light comes on (although it doesn't cut out now!). The emmissions really smell bad like rotten eggs - very strong. There is also a lot of water leaking from the exhaust while the car warms up. Once warm, the exhaust is dry. I have actually noticed small amounts of water in the exhaust over the past few months (I hope its not the head gasket).
Does anyone have any suggestions?[/B]
Thursday, November 23rd, 2006 AT 4:52 PM