Not getting off that EZ,
I have a Profile, not even supposed to be in the field,
Only reason I'm on your Objective, is The L.T. did not like my driving (The M151, of course) So he took over and I am now lost with the butterbar!
I hated the RTOing...PS, Lt, 1st SGT...Official toter for all of 'em---too much weight, radio, batteries, 60 ammo, mortar rounds.....I had to carry what everybody else did + the commo crap!
My Buddy just taught me something good TODAY, He's a Machinist........We gotta Helicoil my CJ 5 Bell housing (tranny hole)............USE LARD TO TAP ALUMINUM!
Ain't that COOLER than Crap?........I have ruined so many things doing it dry (like Cast iron) Or with oil as with steel.
OK, You Gamma-Goat Lover, I will not butt in on this question again!
I know you have seen my baby (1 of 2 Babies) in here before, but here it is again:

Talk to Ya'll Later
The Medic
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 AT 9:52 PM