1997 Ford Explorer Air compressor

Air Conditioning problem
1997 Ford Explorer V8 All Wheel Drive Automatic

here are the basic things I know thats wrong bu tdont know how to fix it or where to start.
1) Air comperror wont come on----did a test at a air repair shoppe and they said thay can manuelly put it on. So compressor is okey jusy not getting power
2) Air in the truck blows but NOT cold.
3) Freon was too full when they checked it. At the repair shoppe they let some out.
Okey I am lost and it is VERY hot in fla right now and my poor kids are not happy when they are sweating and I dont know what to do. The repair shoppe said that they got a code 030 and they looked for a switch but could not find it.A parts store said that I might not have th switch because my truck might be NON0Eliticacal. Help me my phone number is 321-557-3148 please call me and I can explain more about it call anytime I am here to anwser anytime im despreate and a horrible speller. Sorry
Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009 AT 10:50 PM

2 Replies

  • 489 POSTS
There are TWO switches that can cause your problem as well as the control head. There is also a fuse in the system.

Start by checking fuse #7 in the fuse box inside the vehicle. If this is OK, start at the pressure switch at the receiver/dryer under the hood. You can locate this by following the LARGER line from the compressor back to the dash. You will find a switch with a 2 wire connector plugged into it. Check for power at the PINK wire. If you have power there, then follow the BLACK wire with the YELLOW stripe on it back to the WOT relay (Wide Open Throttle).

The WOT relay receives a signal from the PCM that tells it when you have the throttle wide open. This relay then cuts off power to the A/C for maximum performance. It should be located in the power distribution box under the hood.

Make the checks that I have described, and post back with results.
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Wednesday, June 24th, 2009 AT 12:55 PM
  • 2 POSTS
I did waht you said but its not a good thing.I think im screwed. And so are the kids their out of luck.I dont know what it is, I even took it to a grage and they have no idea what it is. To bad you did not live in the florida area or by brevard county area.I could pay you to come look at it. Al I know is that thay said it was not getting power to the compressor. Where the problem is they have no idea//////thank you for trying to help.I think I m going to lose it on this dame TRUCK!
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Friday, June 26th, 2009 AT 12:13 PM

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