I have the same problem. I tried to replace Ignition Switch, I disconected everything on colum and nothing. Now if I turn on headlights the starter will turn over. I saw that some one else had this problem on a 2000. Let me know if you have found a fix. Jakec@nprental. Com
1998 Ford Expedition V8 Two Wheel Drive Automatic 170000 miles
When I turn off the ignition, my radio keeps playing. I just installed a new battery because my old one kept dying. The big problem is that around midnight last night, the expedition tried to crank on it's own. There was no key in the ignition, it just started trying to crank, over & over & over until it killed the battery. It never started though. Any ideas?[/Quote]
Tuesday, February 5th, 2008 AT 9:54 PM