I took it to aamco to get a free diagnostics, thinking that I can get a mechanic to tell me once and for all, what the hell was wrong.
this mornning the car started after 4 tries, and ran pretty good on the freeway, although I was loosing power at like 75 mph, I would downshift to 4th, and pick right back up, rough idle at the lights, but ok.
after AAmco tells me that the problem with the car was no fuel getting to the engine, the fuel pump was bad, or the electrical leading to the pump is the problem. Even though it was the first thing I replaced.
So I go home take the thing out to check it, I adjusted a loose part of the pump, put it back in, traced the wires to underneath my driver saet, im assuming is the prm, looked fine, went to the engine took out the fuel filter, that was ok, BUT NOW, I CAN'T GO PAST 15MPH! IT STAYRTS RIGHT UP NOW THOUGH, BUT I CAN'T EVEN GO THE NEIGHBORHOOD SPEED LIMIT! AND WHEN I REV IT, AND PUSH THE PEDAL TO THE FLOOR, IT LOOSES ALL POWER!
SOOO! My questions are these:
1. Can a person looking at an engine, do anything to make it not run like mine
2. What the hell is wrong with this car!
come on guys help me! I read all the kudos, see the rep points be given, why can't this escort get fixed!
oh yea, new wires, oil change, pvc valve
along with the new o2 sensor
Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007 AT 9:07 PM