1992 Ford Escort Check Engine light/ Die out

  • 1992 FORD ESCORT
Engine Performance problem
1992 Ford Escort 4 cyl Front Wheel Drive Manual 150.00 miles

I use my car for delivery work. In cool weather, I will get a check engine light after a couple hours sometimes right away. In hot weather I get a check engine light then eventually the car dies out then will restart after 10 minutes, then goes for 1/2 hour then dies. I hooked up a fuel pressure gauge to watch pressure as I drove one day. Got 28=40 lbs pressure. When the check engine light goes on I still have pressure but sometimes it seems as if the light triggers at 28 lbs pressure. Its getting cooler so the car didnt die out.
Monday, August 24th, 2009 AT 5:32 PM

3 Replies

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Need codes 1st

Analog Volt-Ohmmeter (VOM)
1) Turn ignition off. To initiate KOEO self-test, connect a jumper wire from STI terminal of self-test connector to ground. The STI connector is located at the left rear of the engine compartment.

2) Set VOM to 0-20V DC range. Connect positive (+) lead of VOM to STO terminal of self-test connector. Connect the negative (-) test lead to engine ground.
3) Turn ignition on, and observe voltmeter. Count voltmeter needle sweeps (between 0-12 volts) to determine code.
4) If no code is present, go to step 6). If code(s) is present, record code(s). Turn ignition off, and go to next step.
5) Erase code(s) from ECA memory. See CLEARING CODES under SELF-DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM. Repeat step 3) to identify hard faults. If code(s) does not reappear, fault is intermittent. Go to step 8) to begin KOER self-test. If code(s) reappears, indicating hard fault, repair fault as necessary.
6) If engine starts, go to step 8) to begin KOER self-test.
7) Repeat step 5) until no code appears. Terminate KOEO self-test by turning ignition off and disconnecting STI jumper wire from ground. Go to next step to begin KOER self-test.
8) Start and operate engine at 2000 RPM for 2 MINUTES to ensure EGO sensor is operating. Ensure vehicle is at normal operating temperature. Turn ignition off. Jumper STI connector to ground to activate KOER self-test. Turn ignition on, and wait 10 SECONDS.
9) Start engine and allow it to idle. Ensure VOM is connected as described in step 2). Record all codes displayed.
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Wednesday, August 26th, 2009 AT 5:19 AM
  • 2 POSTS
I connected meter to read codes, I got the 1-1-1 then I have a code 542.
Thats as far as I went didnt start car. Fuel pump secondary failure?
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Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 AT 12:35 PM
  • 19,053 POSTS
Fuel pump secondary circuit shorted to power.
Fuel pump relay contacts always closed.
Open in Fuel Pump Monitor (FPM) circuit between ECA and connection to POWER-TO-PUMP circuit.
HEGO short to power (dual HEGO applications).
Faulty ECA
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Thursday, September 3rd, 2009 AT 6:22 AM

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