Hi, I have owned my 1999 escort for almost 10 years and never had trouble with it. I started driving about 700 miles (round trip) since november, maybe twice a month. This last time almost at 160 miles in, my "Service Engine Soon" light came on. I continued driving until I got to a well lit gas station. I checked the engine oil and it read "empty" so I added a quart of oil, checked the transmission oil, which was changed about two weeks ago-it was fine, the only thing that was weird was the fan on the radiator was not on, but the thermostat reading was normal.I did check the gas cap to make sure it was on right too.I just (a)dont want my car to die on me on the freeway and (b) dont want to pay outrageous money to have it checked out and it being a silly thing, like the speed sensor-had a dodge neon that had that problem. Can someone help? I read the other answers to similar questions, so as soon as I leave work I will take it into autozone to have it checked, but in the meantime, are there any suggestions as to what it may be?
Monday, March 15th, 2010 AT 12:59 PM