This is the problem in the best way I can describe it. When I push in the gas I do so like you would on any car and it starts out fine. I get up to 20-25 MPh and it stops accelerating so I push the gas in almost petal-to-the-metal and it kicks back and jolts foward accelerating. I havent gone to my mechanic yet but I have been perplexed to what could be causing the situation. I have run that gas tank cleaner through it in case that was the problem but there was no change. Its a great car and has lower miles than alot of people that own one, and my grandmother kept great care of it. Im wondering if it could be a clog in the gas filter but I don't want to do something that could make the problem worst. What do you think it is? And is if the problem is the gas filter is it a do it yourself project. Im 21 and don't know a whole lot about cars.
Monday, April 28th, 2008 AT 1:26 AM