Does pumping with brake pedal while the resevoir is empty still take out the fluid?

  • 1990 OPEL CORSA
  • 220,000 MILES
While I used the method of two person to empty the system.(One push and release the brake pedal and the other open and close the nipple nut).
IF the resevoir is empty and there is left brake fluid only in the master cylinder chambers and in the pipes that located between the master cylinder and the wheels and my assistant keep on pumping the brake pedal, will all the brake fluid get out or from this point(the moment that the resevoir is empty)the brake pedal action will not get out the rest of the brake fluid unless we refill the resevoir?
thank in advance.
Wednesday, April 17th, 2013 AT 12:17 AM

1 Reply

  • 31,937 POSTS
If you allow the fluid to empty completely from the master cylinder, there will be air introduced into the system again, always keep topping up the master do not let it empty or you will never bleed the brakes.
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Wednesday, April 17th, 2013 AT 4:34 AM

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