Here are the directions. There are retaining nuts on the sides of the dash. Let me know if this helps.
If equipped with air conditioning, perform the following procedure:
Discharge and recover the air conditioning system refrigerant.
Disconnect the refrigerant lines from the evaporator. Plug the openings to prevent contamination.
Disconnect the refrigerant lines from the accumulator. Plug the openings to prevent contamination.
Remove the accumulator.
Drain the cooling system into a clean container for reuse.
Disconnect the heater hoses from the heater core tubes.
Remove the PCM from the dash panel and move it aside. Do not disconnect the PCM harness connector.
In the engine compartment, remove the heater/air conditioning housing assembly-to-chassis nuts.
In the passenger-s compartment, remove the heater/air conditioning housing-to-dash panel nuts.
Pull the heater/air conditioning housing assembly rearward far enough to clear the studs and air conditioning drain tube holes.
Remove the heater/air conditioning housing assembly from the vehicle.
Remove the upper-to-lower heater/air conditioning housing screws and remove the upper housing.
Remove the heater core from the lower housing.
Wednesday, October 7th, 2009 AT 10:49 AM