I doubt it, but sometimes removing and cleaning the throttlebody with MOPAR brake cleaner can work, sometimes not...this is the note on your part to the dealers, I dont know what code you have but it would have been helpful...
DISCUSSION When diagnosing Electronic Throttle Systems (ETC) systems for any Diagnostic Trouble Codes. (DTC's), specifically when conducting APS pedal sweep using a StarSCAN or DRB(R)III - Please note that there is an internal diagnostic the PCM performs on the ETC system. The PCM will drive the pedal sensor signal no. 2 to zero volts every 1/2 second as part of an internal diagnostic. Therefore, if this event is observed it should be considered a normal condition. Please do not mistake this condition as an intermittent sensor signal unless the following DTC's were detected P2127, P2116 or P2138. NOTE: This Bulletin Applies To Vehicles Equipped With 5.7 L Engines, Sales Code EZA.
Sunday, November 15th, 2009 AT 11:32 AM