It sounds you could have an issue with the idle air control valve (IAC). It can also be triggered by a faulty crank position sensor.
Is your check engine light illuminated?
Typically when an engine sensor fails it triggers the engine light.
A faulty crank sensor can stall the engine while you are driving. It may or may not start back up afterwards. Heat and vibration can damage the sensor and it can fail intermittently at the beginning before stop working at all. The crank sensor is located on the lower part of the engine.
A dirty or clogged IAC can impact the idle of the engine. As it will not allow enough air to pass thru the valve at idle, which will make the engine act like its about to stall. Sometimes it will stall unless you give it a little bit of throttle input. The IAC is located on the throttle body (see diagram).
I have attached diagrams for your reference.
Please let me know of any questions.
Thank you.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Friday, August 20th, 2021 AT 10:25 AM