I've had to reset the computer (other work requiring the battery disconnected) so I can't get the code number until it acts up again, but I do know it was always telling me that the reference voltage was the particular fault. This is why so many electrical systems and sensors have been replaced.
As for what shares that voltage, the diagram I have shows. Well a LOT of other items that share that voltage, so needle in a haystack about covers the assessment nicely.
I do tuneups more regularly than necessary (spark plugs have been replaced 3 times in 2009, oil changes every 3,000 miles with a new filter) and I've recently replaced the fuel filter too (one of the first things we did). I'm going to have to look into vacuum leaks and egr. I think the fault is still electrical though, as the computer just went haywire on me and I had to reset it to get the car to turn on at all. The battery was fine and cold/running voltages checked out.
I personally fear that there's a fault in the wiring harness that crosses the car firewall. I have no idea how to pull it to get the thing fixed unlike the engine's electrical harness. I also don't have $1-2k to take it to the dealer for a detailed inspection and repair.
Saturday, January 23rd, 2010 AT 2:13 PM