The 4wd issue sounds like a worn outer cv joint. Unlike a front wheel drive car, yours do not have torque applied to them when you're in 2wd. The torque is needed to cause them to bind and make noise. Your mechanic might run the truck in 4wd on a hoist, and listen with a stethoscope, but they still might not make noise since they're able to rotate freely. Another trick is to attach microphones, and listen to them while driving the truck in 4wd. The tool is called a "Chassis Ear".
The outer cv joints give very little trouble, so you might also look at the universal joints in the front drive shaft. The shaft is made up of two parts splined together. If the grease fitting has been ignored, the shaft could be binding when it changes length due to suspension travel. That won't happen in 2wd since it's not under pressure then.
As for the backfiring, I have a feeling it's not related to a sensor problem because restarting the engine isn't likely to change anything. There have been some problems with ignition switches, but the overheated contacts usually affect the radio / heater fan / power window circuit. That is a different circuit than the one that runs the engine. Still, repositioning the switch is the only obvious thing that's changing. The next time this happens, try moving the ignition switch just a little to see if the problem clears up. If it does, replace the switch.
Sunday, February 21st, 2010 AT 4:51 AM